
That day was so hot. I want something cold. So I got this.
The first Swensen's at Hyde and Union Streets. San Francisco, September 2007.


Anonymous said...

How big is a scoop of ice cream compared with one in Thailand? Is it much bigger or almost the same size?

Unknown said...

In Wiki, they said that at the first Swensen, they also serves various types of food, including sandwiches and hamburgers. The next time you feel hot, I hope you'll hungry enough to try other kind of food there too.

Hmm.. "Good as Father Used to Make"?.. why not mother? This motto does't make me feel good to the product at all.

Spacerabbit said...

Ha ha ha

Nuch : That time I bought as a pint not a scoop, so I don't know how big it is. If you have time, you should try. I think the taste is pretty good. Just walk up hill a few blocks.( almost 10 blocks...hahaha )

Noopook : I'm not quite sure but I thought nowaday they sell only Ice cream at that shop.

Ummm..."Good as Father Used to Make." Why do this sentence make you feel bad? Auguste Gusteau said "Anyone can cook!" Hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Well, I think in the old day, ice cream was made by men, because it's quite laborious to cut and crush the ice in order to create ice cream. And that's why it's "good as father used to make". ;-)

Unknown said...

Spacerabbit: A PINT!!!, don't tell me you ate it all at once, It must be really hot that day. XD

Too bad if they don't sell sandwiched and hamburgers this day. Just curious about how it'll look and taste like.

Nuch : Laborious.. Laborious.. Hmm..Oh,that's why most man don't do icecream unless he is "Father". Ha ha ha, His wife and children must force umm.. I mean inspire him to do it "Good".